Work to extend a roof over the Unicorn has been completed.
The major project is the first to be undertaken to help preserve the ship before moving her into the graving dock where she will be a central part of the waterfront regeneration.
The new fo’c’sle roof has been completed by Mackay Ship Builders.
Chairman Mike Clarke said: “This is a veritable milestone and has stopped water damage to the ship herself, as well as improving the external look of this historic ship.
“The roof has been extended over the fo’c’sle and the extended eaves over the main hull. The area of damaged outer planking will be allowed to dry before remedial work is considered.
“We are delighted that this project has been brought in on time and on budget.”
The roof was funded by money from the SITA Trust which provides grants through the Scottish Landfill Communities Fund – an important source which came into effect in April 2015.
The scheme is linked to the Scottish Landfill Tax and encourages landfill site operations to provide contributions to approved bodies, who can then pass the funds on to community and environmental projects.
Further improvement work on the Unicorn will begin shortly with new reception accommodation being sited on the quayside.