Dundee Burns Club elects new officials at 159th AGM
The Robert Burns statue in Dundee.
Dundee Burns Club, one of the country’s oldest clubs dedicated to the Bard, elected new officials at its 159th AGM held at the club’s premises on Wednesday October 5.
Members of the historic club, one of only five in the world to retain its own premises, heard a positive summary of the club’s activities from secretary Mr. Keir Gordon.
Officers elected were: President – Graham Ogilvy, Vice President – Jimmy Black, Secretary – Keir Gordon, Treasurer- George Fyffe, Librarian – James Barrowman, Curator- Connor Beaton, Auditors – John Lovie and Stuart Allan, Committee – Chris Todd, Eddie Bonar and Jim Clarke.
Plans were announced for a commemoration at the Burns statue to mark Burns Night in January 2023 along with a number of events and two Burns Suppers.