Our photographers Kim Cessford and Mhairi Edwards went along to capture the best moments.
The pipe band from the High School of Dundee played as the new graduates emerged from the Caird Hall in the morning ceremony. Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
Happy new graduates after the ceremony. Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
New graduates after the ceremony. Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
New graduate Martha Asiimwe. Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
The pipe band from the High School of Dundee. Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
A happy day. Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
John McIntosh (Mechanical Engineering) and his nephew Ollie McIntosh-Young. Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
Smiles all day. Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
Sharika Sudumar (Masters in Bio Medicinal engineering) Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
Mechanical Engineering students pose for a photograph on the steps of the Caird Hall. Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
Happy new graduate. Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
Off to celebrate with friends and family. Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
Time to celebrate. Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
A very proud day. Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
Left to right – Shravan Venkat and Sharika Sudumar (both Masters Bio Mechanical Engineering) Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
Pavithra Mesthrigie (MSc Industrial Engineering and Management) Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
New graduate Martha Asiimwe. Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
Group shot of happy graduates and their families. Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
View of the celebrations at the City Square in Dundee. Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
Amy Mann (Mechanical Engineering) was the standout with her squid hat. Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
New graduate Martha Asiimwe. Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
Left – right is Michele Kilbane and Moira Stephens (both graduated in Education Assistive Technician) Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
Left to right is Szilard Papp and Luis Romo (both Mechanical Engineering and Renewables) Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
Max Vassiljev gained a 1st Class Honours in Mechanical Engineering. Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
Civil Engineering graduates. Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
A picture for the family album. Image: Kim Cessford / DC Thomson
Graduations leaving Caird Hall at the afternoon ceremony. Image: Mhairi Edwards/DC Thomson
The graduates are piped out to go and celebrate with family. Image: Mhairi Edwards/DC Thomson
Family and friends watching graduates leave Caird Hall. Image: Mhairi Edwards/DC Thomson
The High School of Dundee pipe the graduates out. Image: Mhairi Edwards/DC Thomson
Graduates smiling for the camera. Image: Mhairi Edwards/DC Thomson
Big laughs all round. Image: Mhairi Edwards/DC Thomson
Smile for the camera. Friday 23rd June, 2023. Image: Mhairi Edwards/DC Thomson
Graduating with an BMSC in Healthcare Improvement Shyla Sharma, Ellie McMichael, Kate Hannen and Emma McPherson. Image: Mhairi Edwards/DC Thomson
Graduates go to find their families to celebrate. Friday 23rd June, 2023. Image: Mhairi Edwards/DC Thomson
This crowd graduate in Medicine and pop some champers to celebrate. Image: Mhairi Edwards/DC Thomson
Graduate about to embrace very proud family member. Image: Mhairi Edwards/DC Thomson
Graduating with an MSC in Phycology Therapies and Primary Care is Anupriya Vyas with daughter Riya Srivastava and husband Rajkamal Srivastava. Image: Mhairi Edwards/DC Thomson
Graduates smiling for the crowd. Friday 23rd June, 2023. Image: Mhairi Edwards/DC Thomson
Huge smiles all day long. Friday 23rd June, 2023. Image: Mhairi Edwards/DC Thomson
Graduating in Dentistry, Emily McAlpine, 24, Sophie Herd, 23, Shannon Polson, 23 and Iona Goldie, 24. Image: Mhairi Edwards/DC Thomson
Big hugs all day. Image: Mhairi Edwards/DC Thomson
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Best pictures from final day of Dundee University’s 2023 graduations