Police say it was “incredibly fortunate” that a more serious blaze did not take hold in a Dundee industrial estate after three youths set fire to a wooden pallet.
The incident occurred at Dunsinane Industrial Estate around 7:40pm on Saturday July 8 with police now appealing for further information from the public.
After setting the wooden pallet alight, the youths then placed it against the wall of the building and left it burning for a considerable amount of time.
A spokesperson for the Tayside division of Police Scotland said: “It was incredibly fortunate that the fire did not take hold on the building itself.
“This could have caused considerable damage.
“While it is appreciated that there is little chance of anyone having seen the people responsible for this at the time, we would ask any parents or carers who are aware of their youngsters coming home smelling of smoke or with soot on their clothes, and who they know frequent that area, to contact us.
“Obviously, all parents and guardians have a responsibility for their children. They should speak with them and take the time to find out where their children are, who they are with and what they are doing.”
CCTV footage is now being reviewed.
Anyone with any information that may be useful should contact Tayside Division on 101 quoting CR/18027/17 or speak to any Police officer. Alternatively information can be passed anonymously via the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.