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Pupils at major Dundee secondary school held in classrooms as police called to ‘disturbance’

Police were called to the school on Tuesday after reports of a second incident in less than a week.

Police Scotland confirm the missing man has been found
Children as young as 12 were stopped and searched by police. Image: Police Scotland

Pupils at a major Dundee secondary school say they were held in classrooms while police investigated a “disturbance” on Tuesday afternoon.

Terrified pupils at the school sent texts home to parents to say they had been kept in classrooms to keep them safe as police attended shortly after 1pm.

It is the second time police have been called to the school in the last week.

Pupils went home after school police incident

Neither Police Scotland nor Dundee City Council would confirm pupils were locked in classes when asked, but it is understood this was done as a precaution.

None of the youngsters were injured but some asked parents to collect them immediately after as they were left shaken up by the incident.

Police were called to a high school in Dundee. Image: Kim Cessford/DC Thomson.

It is understood rumours of a weapon being involved are untrue.

Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Around 1.15pm on Tuesday officers received a report of a disturbance at a school in Dundee.

“Officers attended and engaged with those at the school.”

Frightened parents collected children

One parent says he was “terrified” to receive a message from his daughter claiming she was locked inside a classroom but was later put at ease by school staff.

“My partner got a very frightening text message from our daughter saying she had been locked in a classroom with other pupils,” he said.

“My daughter was texting her mum the entire time.

“She was terrified and so were we.

“It seems the situation wasn’t as bad as we initially feared but when you get a text message like that from your child you are naturally very concerned.”

14-year-old charged in connection with different incident

It comes after a teen was charged in connection with another incident at the school on Friday.

The police spokesperson added: “Around 9.45am on Friday October 25 officers received a report of a disturbance at a school in Dundee.

“A 14-year-old male youth was charged in connection with the incident and will be reported to the Children’s Reporter.”

When contacted about both incidents, a Dundee City Council spokesperson said: “It would be inappropriate to comment on an ongoing police investigation.”