Vandals have struck at Dundee’s doomed Caird Park golf courses.
Over the weekend four fairways on the 18-hole course were ripped up by someone believed to have been riding a quad bike.
There has also been damage to parts of the nine-hole course.
The vandalism comes with club officials involved in talks with an international golf management company to save the courses.
‘Prophetic’ letter points to more vandalism at Caird Park
It also coincides with a tongue-in-cheek but “prophetic” letter in Wednesday’s Evening Telegraph pointing out what could happen to the courses once closed by the local authority in April.
Both the 18-hole and nine-hole facilities will shut as operator Leisure and Culture Dundee looks to cut costs.
The decision was ratified by ruling SNP councillors last week.
Since then, more than 3,000 people have signed an online petition calling for Caird Park to be saved from closure.
Earlier this week, The Courier also revealed new plans to save and upgrade the courses.
Four fairways have been ripped up
Club captain Ian Gordon said he was “very disappointed” at the latest damage at the courses but added it could happen more and more if the courses aren’t saved.
He said: “We are very disappointed that further damage has been caused by what looks like a quad bike on the course.
“The fairways at the 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th holes have been ripped up.
“There is also damage to the nine-hole course.
“Our fear is that if the courses aren’t saved they will become the targets for more and more damage.
“In fact, a prophetic letter in the Evening Tele pretty much spells out what could happen.
“The letter is sarcastic but there is a lot of truth in it by someone who fears the worst once the course closes.
“What is said in the letter is exactly what we believe will happen.”
The letter in the Tele, which is signed by ‘Cairdie Bikers Trailblazers’, takes a sarcastic dig at the closure plans.
It says: “Dundee City Council deserve to be congratulated on the decision to close Caird Park’s golf course.
“For a few years, my fellow bikers and I have been trail blazing across the course vandalising the fairways and destroying greens in the hope the council would have no option but to close the course.”
It adds: “Now with closure we will have free rein allowing us to, without restriction, practise our wheelers, scrub jumps and, of course, team races at speed all over the expanse of Caird Park.
“The teenage bikers have won.”
Over recent years the club and courses at Caird Park have been regularly targeted by vandals and thieves.
A Leisure and Culture Dundee spokesperson said: “We can confirm that there was damage at the nine-hole course over the weekend.
“There was also some superficial damage to the 16th green on the 18 hole course this morning which has now been repaired.”