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Tooled-up Dundee dad lunged at cops with knife and screwdriver after two-day drug binge

Groundworker Kevin Mullady will remain behind bars until he is sentenced in March.

Dundee Sheriff Court
Stewart appeared at Dundee Sheriff Court.

A Dundee dad waved weapons at police and threatened officers after a two day drink-and-drug fuelled bender.

Kevin Mullady appeared at the city’s sheriff court via a video link from HMP Perth, where he has been remanded since October 30.

The court heard how his wife dialled the emergency services after noticing him leaving their home in possession of weapons after drinking and taking drugs.

Mullady, who had been working on-site at a major Dundee development project, remains remanded as he awaits sentence.


Mullady, of Gourdie Street, left his family home on October 28 and was out consuming drugs and alcohol, the court was told.

His wife told him not to come home until he was sober.

He returned the following day, slept for a few hours and left again to source more drugs and booze.

Before leaving a second time, he was seen placing a knife and another item up his sleeve, before telling his wife he loved her.

She called police who traced Mullady on Balgarthno Road holding a knife and a screwdriver above his head.

Dundee court
Dundee Sheriff Court

Officers exited their vehicle and ordered him to drop the items.

Despite repeated requests, he instead lunged at an officer.

Mullady said: “I’m going to do you both in,” before adding “If you come any closer… I’m going to stab you.”

He eventually desisted and dropped the weapons and after doing so he was arrested.

Family tragedy

Mullady, who has previous convictions for violence, admitted that on October 29 last year, he acted in a threatening or abusive manner on Balgarthno Road by repeatedly brandishing a knife and screwdriver towards two police officers and threatening them with violence.

The 45-year-old also pled guilty to possessing both offensive weapons.

Solicitor Jim Laverty explained his client had been working as a groundworker at the Swallow Roundabout site prior to his remand.

Mr Laverty stressed that there was sufficient space between Mr Mullady and the police officers that they didn’t feel the need to deploy tasers or PAVA spray.

He said his client had “regrettably imbued substantially in alcohol and controlled substances,” after a family member was badly injured in an assault.

“He felt that he had reached a stage, not to get himself arrested, but potentially to harm himself.

“He fully accepts that this incident must have caused police significant worry.

“Mr Mullady understands that custody could be imposed.”


Sheriff Harry Small deferred sentencing until March 6 for reports to be prepared and continued Mullady’s remand.

He said: “I’ve got a public duty to protect the two police officers.

“Mr Mullady, while the circumstances involving your son go a long way to explaining why you behaved the way you did, they go no way towards excusing it.

“Custody has to be uppermost in my mind for this. There is still a distinct possibility of custody.”

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