Instructions for making bird feeders using pipe cleaners have been removed from a teaching resources website after a dog died in Dundee
One pet died from internal injuries and another had a lucky escape after swallowing a pipe cleaner wrapped in food at Baxter Park on February 7.
It’s understood the item was a homemade bird feeder that had fallen to the ground after being left hanging in trees by Glebelands Primary School pupils.
Now Twinkl – a website sharing “teacher-created” materials and resources – has removed instructions for a similar activity.
The issue was highlighted by Dundee climate activist Laura Young, who posted on X: “This is obviously completely devastating for all involved, and something that was done with good intentions which has had very sad unintended consequences.
“However, we must use common sense, and see that any arts and crafts using plastic materials and items which are clearly unnatural like pipe cleaners need to stay far away from the outdoors.
“I hope this is a lesson for all involved, and I hope the school revisit this topic with the kids to educate them on why this was a bad activity, and how they can do better things for our wildlife (not to make them feel worse than they already do, but to have a teachable moment and ensure the kids don’t make any more).
Twinkl remove pipe cleaner bird feeder craft after Dundee dog’s death
“However, I’m horrified to discover that this is something teachers are encouraged to do, and Twinkl Resources actually have an activity making this exact craft.
“Twinkl are one of, if not the, biggest teacher resource suppliers and it’s frightening how many times this activity has potentially been done across the UK.
“I urge Twinkl to take this resource down now, and evaluate their outdoor craft/wildlife resources, and bring on sustainability experts to advise them.”
A spokesperson for Twinkl said: “It was recently brought to our attention that a type of home-made bird feeder may pose a potential risk to other animals.
“As a result, we acted swiftly to remove any resources on our website about similar bird feeders, and continue to regularly audit our platform of over 1.5 million educational resources.”
Dundee City Council has been contacted for comment.