Councillor Mark Flynn is line for a 17% pay rise as local authority leaders see their salary increase to more than £50,000.
A report drafted by council chiefs ahead of Thursday’s budget meeting has revealed the amount councillors are paid is set to rise when the new financial year begins.
This is due to a recent review undertaken by the Scottish Local Authorities Remuneration Committee.
As of April 1 2025, the leader of DCC’s administration will be paid £50,063. This is up from the £42,698 salary allocated for the 2024/25 financial year.
It also means the wage of the most senior councillor in Dundee has risen by more than £12,000 in five years.
In 2021/22, previous council leader John Alexander recieved £37,313. This rose to £37,259 the following year, before increasing to £40,205 in 2023/24.
Councillors pay also rising
The report also details that senior councillors will receive a salary of up to £37,548, whilst councillors who are not part of the administration will get £25,982.
The recommended increases will result in an additional cost of £240,000 to Dundee City Council.
SNP councillor Mark Flynn is the current leader of Dundee City Council’s administration.
He took on the role in September last year following the resignation of Mr Alexander, who stood down to spend more time with his family and take up a new job.
School pools will not shut
Dundee City Council’s 2025/26 budget will be set at special meeting scheduled for Thursday.
The local authority is facing a deficit of around £15m and it had been feared a series of brutal cuts – including closing city swimming pools – could be on the table.
But whilst the SNP administration is yet to publish their proposals, Councillor Flynn has said pool closures will not be implemented.
Speaking to the media last week, he also confirmed the administration will not remove the revenue budget it provides to support community regeneration in the city.