Dundee residents will soon see their council tax bills rise by 8% after the local authority’s new budget was voted through.
The increase comes into effect from April 1 and means those living in Band D properties will pay an extra £119 a year.
It comes amid increasing financial pressures on the council, which was faced with a multi-million budget deficit which required them to make an array of savings.
But the increase in council tax has been met with frustration from Dundonians who feel services provided by the local authority is falling short.
Commenting on The Courier website, ‘MR’ wrote: “If we had a council that was efficient, and we could see the benefits of the increase, it may be worth it.
“However it’s the same few paying for very little benefit to us.”
‘Services being cut and cut’
Writing on social media, Stewart Burns added: “What are we getting for our money?
“Streets covered in litter, overgrown bushes, parks that are unkept, closure of many services, roads that are a mess, lights that don’t work.
“Services being cut and cut and cut…”
Others called for more to be done to claim unpaid council tax from previous years.
‘Jerry48’ wrote: “There should be no tax increase imposed until 95% of the previous year’s tax has been collected.”
Whilst ‘Liz’ added: “What about getting the no council tax payers to start paying what is owed so we do not have to carry them?”
Calls for outstanding council tax to be collected
However, some compared Dundee’s 8% hike to other areas in Scotland which have seen steeper increases.
More than half a dozen local authorities have voted through double digit increases in their budgets – including Angus.
Mark Gillan said: “(I) think we got off light.”
And Alan Hay added: “I’m moving back to Dundee! Aberdeenshire just approved 10% and Angus 11%.
“Any increase is terrible but Dundee getting off lightly.”