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Dundee Planning Ahead: Caird Hall lighting and Riverside Drive townhouses decision

Welcome to Planning Ahead, our weekly round-up of the latest planning proposals across Dundee.

A decision to on plans to build eight townhouses at Riverside Drive looks set to be made. Image: H&H Properties.
A decision to on plans to build eight townhouses at Riverside Drive looks set to be made. Image: H&H Properties.

Proposals to light up Caird Hall have taken a step forward as a full application is lodged.

Last year Dundee City Council unveiled a £190,000 plan to improve the city centre at night.

This would involve the local authority developing a lighting masterplan to identify ‘focal points’ in the city that can be lit up in a bid to “enhance” the area.

Concept designs were drawn up by London-based firm Arup which were approved by the council’s Fair Work, Economic Growth and Infrastructure committee.

Concept designs of the illumination of Dundee Caird Hall. Image: Arup.

A planning application has now been submitted by the local authority as part of the formal process.

The application is seeking permission to fix architectural lighting to the existing building fabric.

The application form adds: “All visible luminaires will be colour matched to adjacent building finish to mitigate any visual disturbance.”

Overgate signage appeal

Meanwhile, an appeal has been lodged with the Scottish Government seeking to overturn DCC’s refusal to grant permission for electronic signage on the Overgate.

Advertising agency London Lites Ltd submitted an application in November looking for  permission to install two LED digital advertisement displays.

One would replace the existing Sports Direct signage on the eastern entrance of the shopping centre, whilst the other would be erected above the southern entrance.

How the proposed advertisement board would look. Image: London Lites.

The supporting statement submitted with the application details they would be used to
“support both local and national advertisers”.

But council planning officers refused planning permission, outlining their belief that the signs would have an “adverse impact on character and appearance of the Overgate”.

They also concluded they would not “preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the central conservation area”.

The Scottish Government’s planning and appeals division should make their determination on the appeal by May 25.

Riverside townhouses

A decision on plans to build eight townhouses at Riverside Drive looks set to be made next week.

An application was first submitted in July 2022 seeking planning permission to build detached and semi-detached properties south of the approach to the Tay Rail Bridge.

The townhouses would be built next to the existing flats on Riverside Drive.

A CGI image of the proposed townhouses. Image: H&H Properties.

Six letters of objections have been lodged against the plans, raising the following concerns:

  • The potential levels of noise coming from Riverside Drive and the railway lines
  • The lack of privacy due to the passing trains
  • There is existing permission for a flatted development and there is no justification to change this to townhouses

However, councillors on the planning committee have been recommended to approve the plans when they meet on Monday.

Here are the links to the planning papers for the Dundee applications

Caird Hall 

Overgate signage appeal 

Riverside Drive townhouses 
