An application to build eight townhouses at Riverside Drive has been approved by councillors.
Lodged by H&H Properties UK Ltd, the approved plan will see four, three-story houses built next to the existing development on busy Dundee road.
These will have two bedrooms and a study on the ground floor, a lounge and kitchen on the first floor and two further bedrooms on the second floor.
A further four, four-story houses are also planned.
Objections raised
Among the concerns raised were fears regarding public transport, noise and air pollution from the neighbouring road and overdevelopment.
Speaking during the meeting, objector Gail Stirling said: “It’s alarming that there is no mention in the application of exhaust and road vehicle pollution.
“Councillors, I ask you would you be happy for your new-born child or grandchild to lie in their pram in the garden with nothing to stop pollution from vehicles on the road only a few meters away entering their developing lungs and brains?”
Resident Dave Martin added: “The development itself has been carrying on for the last 17 years since initial planning.
“I can’t speak for all other residents but there is an element of exasperation across the residents at just how long this development is taking.”
Plans unanimously approved
However, the applicants argued the townhouse proposals would transform the “unsightly” area.
And despite the concerns raised by the objectors, planning bosses made assurances the issue of traffic pollution would not be significant.
Head of planning Gregor Hamilton said: “In terms of air quality, we liaise closely with environmental health in all planning applications and where they deem it necessary we will seek an air quality assessment.
“Despite the fact it’s a busy road, that’s not been sought in this case and that would indicate that air quality is not a significant issue.”
The application was unanimously approved by councillors at Monday’s planning committee.