The fire damaged Fiesta at the house in Craigmount Road
A car caught fire after a bin was deliberately set alight on a Charleston street in the early hours of Tuesday morning.
Louts set fire to a bin sitting on Craigowan Road shortly after 3am on Tuesday, which took hold and spread to a nearby parked Ford Fiesta.
Police said no-one was hurt in the incident, but highlighted the serious nature of the offence.
A spokesperson for Police Scotland said: “We are appealing for information about an incident which happened about 3am this morning on Craigowan Road, Charleston.
“A bin was deliberately set on fire outside a house in the street, which took hold and spread to a Ford Fiesta parked nearby, causing extensive damage.
“Fortunately no-one was hurt, however the potential consequences of this reckless act could have been horrendous.
“If you have any information which could assist our enquiries, please call 101 or speak to any Police officer.
“Also, information can be given anonymously through Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111. Our reference is CR/601/18.”