Taxi fares in Dundee are to rise for the first time in three years.
The council’s licensing committee voted to increase the initial charge of a journey in the city from between 8p and 11p, depending on when the trip is taken.
The changes, which will not affect the overall price per mile of each journey, will come into effect from June this year following public notice.
The increase follows a meeting of the taxi liaison committee in December in which unions and the council discussed changes to address rising costs in the industry.
Graeme Stephen, chairman of Dundee Taxi Association, said the rise was reasonable.
“If you compare it to train and bus fare increases then it really is very small,” he said.
“They increase charges every year and often by a larger percentage. Taxis in Dundee are cheaper than those in Edinburgh and Glasgow and neighbouring areas like Angus so we’re not charging too much.
“I don’t think people will have a problem with it. It’s quite a small increase really and it’s the first rise for a number of years.”
The tariff for each additional passenger will also increase by 10p, with the price per item of luggage increasing by the same amount.
Mr Stephen added that the changes were overdue.
He said: “The rise in costs for luggage doesn’t include your every day things like prams, shopping, and wheelchairs of course.
“There’s a lot of things that won’t be charged for. An extra 10p isn’t something that people will notice. If you were to get a bus or train you’d be paying a full fare per passenger.
“This is the first time charges for additional passengers has increased for about 10 years.”
A new CCTV system for taxis named Smartwitness will also be introduced in the city to improve driver and vehicle safety.
It comes after the council’s taxicard scheme, which offered a discount for disabled taxi passengers, was brought to an end.