The teddy bear jump raised £1200 for children in Zimbabwean city of Gweru
A sponsored teddy bear parachute jump was the main attraction at Mains Castle in Dundee on Saturday.
Children had their brave teddies sponsored to leap from an upstairs window.
Blue skies and warm sunshine helped make it a great afternoon.
Fortunately there were not too many injured teddies but a special first aid
station was manned to take care of the brave bears.
Other attractions included Parkers mini carnival and Easton’s nerf wars arena and air soft shooting gallery.
Alan Calder-Mcnicoll, who organised the event, raised £1200 as part of Champions for Children’s Maywave appeal for a skills apprenticeship programme in Gweru, Zimbabwe.
L to R – Ann Peters, Hazel Grieve and Alan Calder-Mcnicoll at Mains Castle
This programme is being developed to improve the lives of the vulnerable
and disadvantage in the city where unemployment sits at 90%.