Courier Talking Football is going live — and you can be there!
ByCourier Sport
Podcasters Jim Spence, Eric Nicolson and Ian Roache.
The Courier’s Talking Football Podcast has quickly become a must-listen for fans of our clubs.
Now, to celebrate our podcasts’s growth and to mark the start of the new 2019/2020 season, we’ll be going live in September.
We’ll be hosting a live recording in our headquarters at Meadowside in Dundee. As well as The Courier sports team, broadcaster Jim Spence will be sharing his insights — and we’ll have a few surprises on the night.
Tickets, costing £12, go on sale soon and include a pie and a pint — (other refreshments are available!)
Entry will be strictly limited so make sure you’re in pole position to join the audience and ask your questions by registering interest below.
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