Cupar Scouting is on the lookout to recruit new leaders and adult volunteers to help all age groups thrive.
Scouts have four separate age groups: Beavers for six to eight-year-olds, Cubs for eight to 10-year-olds, Scouts for 10 to 14-year-olds and Explorers for 14 to 18-year-olds.
Through a balanced programme tailored to each of those age groups, leaders and volunteers provide activities and life-changing adventures to help young people be the best they possibly can be.
“Scouting has been a part of young peoples’ lives since the experimental first camp on Brownsea Island in 1907,” said Donald Jenks, a retired Fife police officer.
“It has endured where others have not as it has regularly adapted to ensure it remains relevant to the lives of young people and offers a programme of activities that challenges and excites them.”
Mr Jenks said Scouts are different from other youth groups and clubs that look to develop a particular skill.
“We are trying to help young people find their place in the world by developing skills they can use throughout their lives whether that be practical skills such as first aid, cooking or navigating or social skills such a communicating, empathizing or growing confidence and self-reliance,” he added.
To find out more, contact Donald via or call for an informal chat on 07515 259802.