Fife Council is speaking to unions. Image: DC Thomson.
Fife Council has issued urgent advice for all parents and carers after guidance on social distancing was enhanced over the weekend.
The local authority said on Sunday afternoon that a decision has been taken to cancel the provision of school meals in school buildings this coming week, adding that direct payments will be made to families from later this week.
In addition, given the latest public health advice, the Scottish Government has also decided that, with immediate effect, no young person should attend school this week.
That comes after it had been thought S4 to S6 pupils could go into school buildings to finish off coursework.
A statement said: “Schools will make direct contact with parents/carers and young people to advise if there are any outstanding requirements of courses that can be completed remotely, and safely, following public health advice.
“The SQA will be developing an assessment process and more details will follow.”
Parents of children in Special Schools will be contacted by their headteacher with updates.