Partners of pregnant women in Fife will miss seeing their baby for the first time.
Changes at Kirkcaldy’s Victoria Hospital mean partners will be unable to attend first scan or booking appointments.
Women who are due maternity appointments will be given a telephone call from hospital staff the morning of, or the night before, their appointment.
A statement from NHS Fife said: “This will be via a phone call from an 0800 number the morning of or night before their appointment to triage for COVID-19 symptoms.
“It is important that these calls are answered so keep an eye out.
“Further changes have also been implemented as part of ongoing COVID-19 resilience, which mean only pregnant women may attend their booking/first scan.”
The latest update comes after NHS Fife suspended all visiting at its hospital sites from midnight last Tuesday.
NHS Fife Nursing Director, Helen Buchanan, said: “In these unprecedented times we are having to take big decisions, often at short notice, to protect those most at risk.
“Our staff are working tirelessly in preparation for an expected rise in Covid-19 cases and whilst stopping visiting may ordinarily seem drastic, the challenges facing us over the coming months make such actions necessary and will enable us to continue to provide a good standard care to those who need it most.
“We do not know how long these arrangements will remain in place it will likely be for a number of weeks.
“In the meantime, we would encourage visitors this evening and tomorrow to consider bringing in technology, such as phones or tablets, which will help ensure patients remain connected to family and friends, along with other essential items”
Suspended visiting has been applied with some exceptions, and one visitor/birthing partner is permitted in the maternity ward and delivery units – albeit they must stay in the maternity area at all times.
Only parents are permitted to visit the neonatal or special care baby unit, and the children’s ward, while visiting arrangements are unchanged at hospices and end-of-life care.