Fife Coronavirus: Fife Council suspends paper and cardboard bin collections By Claire Warrender March 27 2020, 11:50am March 27 2020, 11:50am Share Coronavirus: Fife Council suspends paper and cardboard bin collections Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link Copy Link Fife Council is suspending the collection of its grey paper/cardboard bins to help cope with staff shortages. Brown bins will only be emptied four-weekly, rather than every fortnight, as the authority reverts to its winter garden and food waste calendar. The changes start on Monday and online bin calendars will be updated. A Fife Council spokesperson said: “Please continue to put all your scheduled bins out for 6am on your collection day. “From Monday March 30 we will be returning to the four-weekly winter brown bin collections for the duration of the lockdown. “This will allow us to empty all waste and recycling streams. “If you have any concerns about excess food waste then please place this in your blue landfill bin during this time. “We are currently working to revise the online bin calendars to reflect this temporary changes. “Please look out for your neighbours and check that they are able to put their bins out. “It may not be possible to come back for missed bins until your next scheduled collection day.”