Fife Two lifeboats launched after separate groups trapped by tide in Fife and Angus By Kirsty McIntosh August 8 2020, 4:26pm August 8 2020, 4:26pm Share Two lifeboats launched after separate groups trapped by tide in Fife and Angus Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link Copy Link Kinghorn Lifeboat. Image: DC Thomson Courier Country lifeboats launched to two separate reports of people trapped by the tide in less than an hour on Saturday. Kinghorn lifeboat launched following reports of six people being cut off by the tide in Fife. The rescue vessel was tasked to Pettycur Bay at 3.05pm. A spokesman for HM Coastguard said all six were safe and well and had been given safety advice by the RNLI crew. Just over half an hour later the crew from Montrose were called out to reports of up to five people stranded at St Cyrus. HM Coastguard in Aberdeen received the second distress call at 3.40pm. The spokesman confirmed all persons were now safe.