Fife’s healthcare staff are being encouraged to look out for each other if a second wave of Covid-19 begins to take its toll.
Support hubs set up in Kirkcaldy and Dunfermline in April to enable hard-pressed workers to take time out will continue over the winter, along with phone helplines and psychological support.
The number of hospital admissions across the country is expected to rise as winter hits, placing services and individuals under further pressure, and staff are being urged to lend an ear and a hand to colleagues who are struggling.
Nicky Connor, Fife Health and Social Care Partnership’s chief officer, said she had been “blown away” by the commitment of staff and that the support available to them would carry on.
“We have been working with trade unions and staff colleagues to ensure staff are well supported,” she said.
“It is absolutely critical that is in place.”
Simon Fevre, staff representative on the partnership board, said the workforce was no different to the rest of the population.
“We come with our own anxieties, personal concerns, family commitments etc and then we deal with the task in front of us on a daily basis,” he said.
“I can’t say staff morale is high but morale of people generally is probably not high.”
Mr Fevre welcomed the support in place but added: “We probably need to encourage a bit more looking after each other and mental health first aid.
“The most important support for our staff is each other. That can make a real difference.”