A Fife hospital ward has been closed to new admissions following a cluster of confirmed cases of Covid-19.
Visiting has also been suspended at Balcurvie Ward at Cameron Hospital in Windygates, except for those visiting patients receiving end of life care.
NHS Fife said fewer than five people with links to the 20-bed unit had tested positive but the exact number cannot be released for reasons of confidentiality.
The ward provides rehabilitation services for adults.
Enhanced cleaning and decontamination is now in place to reduce the opportunity for further spread of the virus, the health board said.
A spokesperson added: “It remains crucial that those intending to visit patients in any of our facilities refrain from doing so if they feel unwell or have any of the known symptoms of Covid-19, such as a high temperature; a new, continuous cough; or a loss or change to the sense of smell or taste.
“It is important that anyone experiencing the well-established symptoms of Covid-19 should immediately self-isolate and arrange a test using the NHS inform website www.nhsinform.scot or by calling 0800 028 2816.”
A local online support hub has been created to provide information on testing for Covid-19 and updates on the pandemic.
Visit: www.nhsfife.org/coronavirus.