Councillor Altany Craik at Ravenscraig Park in Kirkcaldy highlighting the new campaign.
A campaign has been launched in Fife to help people walk and cycle safely around the region, while social distancing.
Banners and signage with the ‘Pass With Care’ message are going up around Fife, on pathways, in parks and open spaces.
Advice being given out as part of the campaign is for pedestrians to leave sufficient room for each other and cyclists, and for cyclists to leave adequate space when passing and to ring their bell if necessary.
Dog walkers are being encouraged to keep their pets on a lead at all times when in areas frequented by walkers and cyclists.
Councillor Altany Craik, Fife Council’s economy, tourism, strategic planning and transportation convener, said: “Our new campaign encourages cyclists to slow down on shared paths and for pedestrians to be aware of cyclists. This is especially important for vulnerable pedestrians.
“Some vulnerable people may not be visibly disabled, but can be intimidated by fast cyclists near them, so we’d like to remind cyclists to please pass with care and for pedestrians to leave room for them to do so.”