Councillor Ross Vettraino outside Fife Council's former social work building on South Street. CISWO social club is moving to social work building as part of a town centre regeneration project.
A new right of way that will allow for renovation work to take place on a new Glenrothes social club has been approved by town councillors.
Members of the Glenrothes area committee unanimously agreed to establish the new pedestrian right of way on South Street, in the town centre.
The new walkway is required to allow redevelopment work to take place on Fife Council’s former social work building, which is to become the new premises of the CISWO social club.
It is moving from its current base on North Street to allow construction of a new retail and leisure complex, the first step in a major transformation of Glenrothes town centre.
New access paves way for town centre regeneration work