The former home of famous Scottish sculptor Hew Lorimer is the setting for a workshop introducing the artform to beginners.
The National Trust for Scotland’s Kellie Castle, near Pittenweem, is the location for this Saturday’s event.
The property still houses Lorimer’s studio.
The castle dates back to the 14th Century and houses magnificent plaster ceilings, painted panels and fine furniture.
It also features a long concealed arts and crafts ceiling while the garden is also a tribute to this movement and it was against this backdrop that Lorimer started to create a name for himself, becoming one of the leading sculptors of the 20th Century.
An exhibition of his work is on permanent display in Kellie Castle and it was felt fitting that anyone who would like to try out their own skills should start in this location.
Saturday is described as being a relaxed day, led by established artist Kenny Munro, who has a long and varied association with the trust.
Learning manager Sandra Morrison is keen to see those with little or no experience take part.
“Bring your enthusiasm and leave the rest to us,” she said.
“Even with no previous experience, by the end of the day you’ll have created something special to impress family and friends.”
Booking at or 01333 720271.