Developers are planning to build 91 homes at the site.
A contentious plan to build new housing in the grounds of a former secondary school has been approved by councillors.
Persimmon Homes won consent for 91 properties at the old Kinross High, despite objections from locals.
The Edwardian school will be retained and transformed into four homes as part of the project, while other buildings on the seven-acre site will be demolished.
Two years ago, Persimmon was told to go back to the drawing board after it put forward plans to clear the site and create 102 homes.
The latest bid was opposed by the town’s civic trust who said the proposal was “significantly greater” than the council’s adopted development plan which had earmarked the site for just 70 houses. The group also complained that the density of housing was “inappropriately high for the area.”
However, the plan was welcomed by the council’s development management committee.
Controversial plans for houses at former Kinross High site approved