Hundreds thronged to the heart of Cowdenbeath over the weekend, to watch a bit of telly.
But there were no giant screens, and not many comfortable armchairs.
Instead there was just a living, breathing tableau of everyone’s favourite TV programmes as Cowdenbeath civic week parade got under way.
TV was the theme of this year’s much anticipated spectacle, arguably the longest parade in Fife.
There were dozens of floats, scores of musicians, hundreds of foot-tapping dancers and entertainers on display.
And even the sun switched itself on in time for what is the grand finale to a week long procession of events celebrating civic week in the Fife town.
Such is the scale of the procession, which starts almost at Hill of Beath and ends miles later in Beath High School’s playing fields, that at one point it stretched the entire length of Cowdenbeath’s High Street.
Meanwhile over in St Monans, the traditional Sea Queen Day went ahead under blue skies.
Sea Queen Rachel Leitch, her attendants Jocie Chater and Blythe Taylor, page Sonny Montador, St Monans Fisher Lass Emily Kelly and the St Monans School Guard of Honour paraded behind a piper for the crowning ceremony.
An added attraction to the day was the surprise inclusion of vintage motorcycles, including a Gold Wing and several C90s.