VIDEO: Broccoli spillage outside Fife supermarket blocks road By Steven Rae August 17 2021, 8:23pm August 17 2021, 8:23pm Share VIDEO: Broccoli spillage outside Fife supermarket blocks road Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link Copy Link A trailer has overturned outside a Lidl supermarket in Fife, with reports of vegetables strewn across the road. On Facebook, a post by Fife Jammer Locations claims a trailer, appearing to have been towed by a tractor, had overturned on Station Road, in Cupar. Broccoli was seen spread across the carriageway. A Police Scotland spokesman said: “We received a report of a trailer having overturned on Station Road in Cupar around 6.45pm on Tuesday August 17. “Officers are in attendance and no one is injured.”