A new species of moth has been discovered in the kingdom by Fife Coast and Countryside Trust wildlife volunteers.
The Yellow-Barred Brindle moth, most commonly found in north west England and western Scotland, was spotted by Geordie Guthrie earlier this year.
Along with Bunty Johnstone and Derek Robertson, Geordie was recruited in 2008 by countryside ranger Derek Abbott to collect wildlife data at Lochore Meadows.
This information is then passed to Fife Nature Records, the British Trust for Ornithology, the Bumble Bee Trust and the Butterfly Conservation Trust.
The surveys provide up to date information about species seen at the Meadows and add to the long-term records, which have been kept since the sixties.
The volunteers carry out a weekly water bird survey every Monday from October to March and once a month from April to September to coincide with the national wetland bird survey.
During the summer months they also carry out a weekly survey of butterflies, bees and dragonflies, damselflies.
Countryside ranger Dallas Seawright said: “Our team of wildlife recorders have demonstrated their passion for nature by committing to a weekly survey of waterfowl during the winter months, changing to butterflies and bumblebees in summer.
“Wildlife records have been kept at Lochore Meadows since 1961, and their work provides an invaluable contribution to the preservation and maintenance of wildlife habitats in Fife.”