Cowdenbeath’s gull “menace” is to be discussed by local councillors.
Councillors Gary Guichan and Alex Campbell will raise a motion at Cowdenbeath Area Committee calling for action against the boisterous birds, which have been proving unpopular across the region.
They want to see a study carried out to find possible solutions to the town’s gull problem, which has been blighting residents in Cowdenbeath’s Craigbeath Court.
Mr Guichan said: “The reason for the motion is because I have been approached by residents of Craigbeath Court regarding the menace that the seagulls cause.
“Why Craigbeath Court should be worse than other areas is not entirely clear, but I suspect the proximity of two schools and the relatively flat pitch of the roof design in the street make it easy for nesting and may provide a good food source.”
There have been calls for a seagull cull in Kirkcaldy, where locals have reported birds swooping aggressively at them in search of food, or in defence of their young.
This option has not been ruled out by Fife Council’s environment convener Ross Vettraino.
Meanwhile, town centre Business Improvement District group Kirkcaldy 4 All has been removing nests and eggs to humanely control gull numbers in the area.
The councillors will tell the committee that gulls are capable of causing injury to people and are a growing nuisance.
Mr Guichan added: “If we are to undertake any project it has to be done during the relatively short window of the nesting and laying season, therefore we need to lay plans soon.
“I am currently simply asking for a feasibility study into tackling the problem and when we have a report back to the committee, including a price, we can then take a further look at it.”
Mr Campbell added: “We made a pledge to people during the recent election campaign that we would endeavour to do something for them and that’s why we put up this motion — to try to get help from the council.”