Plans have been submitted for a major housing development of up to 360 homes in Rosyth.
Bidwells, on behalf of the Alfred Stewart Property Foundation (ASPF), is seeking permission to develop a 62-acre site at Castlandhill.
A planning-in-principle application has been submitted to Fife Council for the farmland west of the M90.
The proposals state that 25% of the units would be affordable housing.
The planning application says: “Residential development at Castlandhill will deliver up to 360 high-quality new homes, which build on the existing community hub of Roysth and the burgeoning opportunities presented by the port redevelopment.
“The development will create a feeling of community, becoming a place where people meet and which people enjoy, with excellent connectivity, creating a place where people are proud to live and work.”
It adds: “The development at Castlandhill will be a sustainable extension to Roysth.”
Rosyth development profits would be donated to hospital
The proposed site access would be from Grampian Road and Castlandhill Road.
Additionally, necessary landscaping, development, drainage and infrastructure works will be carried out.
The ASPF is a charity that funds and supports medical research across Scotland.
The application states profits arising from the future sale of land for residential development would be used for local residents and donated to Tayside Cancer Care at Ninewells Hospital.