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Dunfermline area’s best-rated nurseries revealed

The Courier uses data to showcase the best-performing childcare providers.

In summary:



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Lynburn Primary School in the Abbeyview area of Dunfermline.
Lynburn School in the Abbeyview area of Dunfermline. Image: Google Street View

The top-rated nurseries in the Dunfermline area have been revealed.

Information collated by The Courier’s data team shows which nurseries rank best among Care Inspectorate officials, who use a scale of 6 (excellent) to 1 (unsatisfactory) to rate childcare providers.

The nurseries are ranked based on their average of each Care Inspectorate grade, with the presence of upheld complaints acting as tiebreakers for services with the same average.

Lynburn Primary School Nursery, Dunfermline – 5.5

Scoring “excellent” in two areas and “very good” across two, Lynburn comes top of our list.

During the most recent inspection in October 2019, officials said staff applied their knowledge and skills “exceptionally well”, with the team benefiting from the environment.

One parent told inspectors: “Lynburn Nursery is a very well-run establishment with incredible staff – the staff and set-up are incredible.

“Our son loves his time here.”

Busy Bees @ Castle View, Dunfermline – 5

Part of the Busy Bees Nurseries group, the Castle View service can also care for up to 100 children at a time.

The latest inspection report said: “The service provided a happy, welcoming play and learning environment for children who were observed to be happy, settled and relaxed at nursery.

“Staff facilitated a culture of empowerment, supporting children to feel respected and loved.

“Staff were kind, caring and nurturing in their approach and gave children praise
and encouragement which helped them feel valued and secure.”

Beanstalk Family Nurture Centre, Dunfermline – 5

The Beanstalk Family Nurture Centre.
Beanstalk Family Nurture Centre. Image: Google Street View

The leadership team at Fife Council-run Beanstalk Family Nurture Centre, just off Aberdour Road, was praised for their approach during the last inspection in March 2023.

Inspectors said: “The senior leadership team implemented monitoring and auditing across the service leading to continuous improvement.

“Staff were skilled, passionate and motivated, and worked well together.”

Crossgates Primary School Nursery, Crossgates – 5

Crossgates Primary School and nursery.
Crossgates Primary School and Nursery. Image: Google Street View

Last inspected in March 2023, Crossgates Primary School Nursery provides care for up to 74 pre-school children.

The watchdog said children were “happy, settled and very engaged in their play and learning” at the nursery.

One parent said: “I’ve never needed to raise concerns about the nursery or suggest improvements to them as I believe it is an excellent nursery setting with so much for them to do as well as an excellent team of staff.”

Busy Bees @ Halbeath, Dunfermline – 5

The second Busy Bees nursery to appear on this list, the Halbeath service can care for 107 children.

The latest report said staff knew children well and were “caring, patient and supportive”.

It also highlighted the “very good” variety of play equipment, range of activities and different play types on offer at the service.

Calaiswood School Nursery, Dunfermline – 5

Inspected in September 2024, Calaiswood School Nursery was praised for having “highly skilled and professional” staff.

The Fife Council nursery – which is part of the Duloch school community campus -provides specialist education for children and young people who have complex and additional support needs.

Officials said: “The commitment and dedication from the team to ensure the child reached their full potential was aspirational.”

Halbeath Nursery, Dunfermline – 5

When inspectors visited in February 2023, they said staff knew the children well and interacted with them warmly and respectfully.

Additionally, the nursery’s setting allowed children to direct their own play, promoting independence.

One child told officials: “I love coming to nursery, I can play with my friends, and we go outside.”
