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Fife rape survivor to meet first minister over parole concerns

Fellow campaigner Ellie Wilson was refused access to her rapist's parole hearing at the criminal's request.

Survivors Ellie Wilson and Hannah McLaughan from Fife. Image: Hannah McLaughlan
Survivors Ellie Wilson and Hannah McLaughan from Fife. Image: Hannah McLaughlan

A Fife rape survivor will meet the First Minister next week to raise concerns about the parole process in Scotland.

Hannah McLaughlan and fellow campaigner Ellie Wilson will meet John Swinney and Justice Secretary Angela Constance on Wednesday as they seek reforms to the parole system.

Hannah is a survivor of Angus rapist Logan Doig, jailed for nine and a half years in 2023 while Ellie’s attacker Daniel McFarlane was sentenced to five years in 2022.

Logan Doig. Image: Police Scotland

McFarlane became eligible for parole in December but the panel failed to make a decision on his release and deferred his case to February.

Both Hannah and Ellie are supporting The Courier’s A Voice for Victims campaign on parole reform.

‘Rapists have more rights than their victims’

Following the parole board‘s decision to defer McFarlane’s case for an oral hearing, Ellie applied to attend the case.

However her application has now been refused at the behest of the rapist’s solicitor.

Ellie believes the rights of the prisoner are outweighing her own.

Daniel McFarlane. Image: Spin

She said: “My rapist is being considered for parole after only serving half his sentence.

“The hearing is scheduled for Valentine’s Day, and despite the insensitivity, I applied to attend.

“My application has been refused.

“Why do rapists have more rights than their victims?”

Changes to parole system need ‘careful consideration’

The meeting with the First Minister and justice secretary comes after Angela Constance wrote to North East MSP Liam Kerr about The Courier and the survivors’ campaign.

The Conservative justice spokesperson asked the Scottish Government what its position is on the campaign for parole reform.

SNP justice chief Angela Constance. Image: DC Thomson.

In response, Ms Constance said: “We are committed to listening to the victims’, and their families, views on how the parole system can be improved.

“This why the First Minister, Minister for Victims, and I, are committed to meeting victims and hear how we can better support them through the parole process.

“Continuous improvement is essential to ensuring the parole system remains effective and fit for purpose.

“However, any proposals to amend parole rules need to be carefully considered, and fully assessed, to understand their impact.”
