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Dunfermline woman in tears as stolen quad bike ‘found 30 miles away’

NIkki Martin says it "means the world" to get back the bike, which holds memories of her late brother.

Nikki on the quad with her partner's son Lennon Cuthbert. Image: Nikki Martin
Nikki on the quad with her partner's son Lennon Cuthbert. Image: Nikki Martin

A Dunfermline woman’s quad bike that held memories of her late brother has been returned – after being found 30 miles away.

Nikki Martin was left “devastated” when the bike was stolen from outside her Burt Street home on Monday morning.

The 27-year-old was given the bike as a child and used to play on it with her brother Rhian, who died aged just two.

Nikki says the bike has now been returned to her.

It was found by someone who came across the bike while trying to exchange another vehicle for it.

Woman ‘burst into tears’ as quad bike returned to Dunfermline

She told The Courier: “I was a bag of nerves waiting for it to be found.

“When I heard it had been found in Newburgh I burst into tears and it is now in a safe place.

“I’m so glad we’ve got it back.

“A huge thank you to everyone who shared the Facebook post and helped us find it.

“It means the world to get it back and I can’t really put it into words.”

Nikki Martin and her late brother Rhian on the quad bike as children. Image: Nikki Martin

Nikki had kept the bike in a garage for years before recently taking it out so her partner’s sons – Riley, 10, Lennon, eight, and one-year-old Brodie – could play on it.

She said: “It wasn’t damaged apart from the part you put the key in.

“My partner is hoping to fix that today and we haven’t told the kids yet.

“They are going to be delighted, especially with Brodie’s birthday coming up.

“I can’t wait to see his face.”

Hopes police will catch quad bike thief

Nikki is hopeful that the police will catch the culprit, who she says has “no shame”.

She added: “We’ve been told that he (the thief) had been going around bragging about stealing the quad bike.

“The police have been keeping us in the loop.”

Police Scotland has confirmed that the quad bike was recovered.
