A new image of Lidl’s proposed Dunfermline store has been revealed as new details about the supermarket emerge.
The budget chain lodged plans with Fife Council for its first shop in the city last year.
The retailer was then waiting for the plans to be validated before they were made public.
The plans have now been published, revealing more details about the development on the corner of Laburnum Road and Queensferry Road.
New Dunfermline Lidl: More details revealed
New details include:
- The Dunfermline store would be just shy of 2,000 sq m in size
- The shop would have 91 parking spaces
- The entrance would be via the existing access point at the eastern end of the site, next to the houses on Laburnum Road
- A landscaping buffer would be created between the supermarket and adjacent properties
What have people said about the new Dunfermline Lidl?
Meanwhile, Lidl claims 92.5% of residents support the plans after surveying 915 people in the area.
A statement submitted with the plans says the “vast majority” of locals are happy to see the development” and that the redevelopment would be “good for the area”.
Many locals indicated they would like to see the store open “as soon as possible”.
However, some concerns were raised.
The statement added: “Some individuals expressed their concerns over the increase in traffic and highways impact of the proposed development.
“Some individuals expressed concerns about the foodstore being located in close proximity to a primary school.
“However some individuals expressed positives about the location of the school as
parents could combine a shopping trip with the school run.”
Trees plan at new Dunfermline Lidl ‘to be confirmed’
The Scottish Greens previously raised concerns about the prospect of 20 “long-standing trees” being lost from the site as part of the Lidl development.
The plans say the removal or retaintion of trees is “to be confirmed”.
The council will decide on the plans in the coming months.
The King Malcolm Hotel closed in 2020 and has been empty since – it is one of several Dunfermline eyesores that The Courier has taken a closer look at.
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