Plans to transform a field in Wormit into a horseriding paddock have been recommended for approval despite objections from neighbours.
People living near the site at Viewmount Road, atop the Wormit Hills, claim the equestrian exercise area would create light and noise pollution, and increased traffic.
Objectors also said the plans were contrary to the local development plan.
However, Fife Council’s North East Planning Committee has been recommended to approve the proposal on Wednesday.
The planning report prepared for the committee stated the facility would be for private use by the applicant and the countryside location was “appropriate” .
Council planners said light pollution would not be an issue because floodlighting was not included as part of the plans.
The report said: “Concerns were raised by third parties regarding the potential residential amenity impacts on neighbouring properties as a consequence of the proposed development
“All material residential amenity issues, including impact on privacy, daylight and sunlight, as well as noise, odour and light pollution have been investigated.
“Upon review, it is considered by the planning authority that the proposed development would be acceptable and would not give to adverse residential amenity concerns.”
Concerns were also raised about the suitability of the narrow roads for farm vehicles and horse boxes.
But planners said in the report: “There is considered to be sufficient space within the applicant’s land for vehicles visiting the proposed equestrian area to park and turn.”
Groundworks have already gone ahead without planning permission and would need to be approved retrospectively.
One objector said: “The fact that the engineering works have been undertaken unlawfully is no reason to grant permission retrospectively. Wormit Hill should be reinstated.”