A Ballingry couple fear a decade of flooding misery is now affecting the foundations of their home.
Mary and Stephen Murray’s garden in Kirkland Park has been increasingly hit by a mystery flood for years.
The problem gets worse every year, with no end in sight as the marshy mess expands.
The pensioners, who are both 86, are now concerned the flooding is encroaching so close to their privately-owned home, it may cause damage.
Their son Stephen, said: “Water has been coming into their back garden for years.
“I think it is since Fife Council built a play park nearby about 10 years ago.”
He said despite the council being aware of it, the elderly couple “aren’t getting anywhere” with the problem.
“Both Fife Council and Scottish Water have been out, with Scottish Water saying it was nothing to do with them. Mum and Dad don’t know what to do.”
Stephen said when the issue started it affected just a couple of feet of garden furthest away from their home.
“It is now so much worse and it’s coming up to the house.”
The issue is not just down to rainfall as Stephen added: “It makes no difference if it rains, it could be completely dry for a month and it’s exactly the same.
“This is nothing to do with rainfall.”
Local Labour councillor Mary Lockhart is well aware of the family’s concerns, which pre-date her election.
She said: “The issue is, no one knows where it is coming from. It appears to be fresh water – it isn’t sewage.
“But it is getting worse and nothing appears to have been done that has done any good.”
“When I first visited about three years ago it was a wee bit squelchy in the top corner of the garden but it has got worse.”
Fife Council housing manager Russel Gray said: “Getting to the root of the water issue is proving a problem and, while work has been carried out previously, we acknowledge that this hasn’t fixed things.
“We have continued to work on this and now have a possible solution to the problem.
“We will be in touch with Mr and Mrs Murray soon to update them on progress.”