A rural primary school has received a good grading at its latest inspection.
Inverarity Primary School is a small school located outside Forfar.
There is a nursery class along with two primary classes. At the time of inspection, there were 13 children in the nursery and 32 children in the primary school.
Education Scotland inspectors praised the school’s leadership and pupil behaviour.
The reporter said the pupils are “polite, well behaved, responsible and enthusiastic across the nursery and school.”
The paper went on to highlight “the very effective leadership of the head teacher”.
“The head teacher has a strong understanding of the needs of the school and a clear vision for continuous improvement, which is managed at an appropriate pace of change.”
Two areas for improvement were discussed with the head teacher and a representative from Angus Council.
Staff at the school were asked to “continue with planned developments of the curriculum, to ensure children make the best possible progress and develop ongoing skills for learning, life and work”.
The team were also challenged to “create high-quality learning experiences, along with assessment approaches, to ensure children know how well they are doing and what they need to do to improve”.
An Education Scotland spokesman said: “We are confident that the school has the capacity to continue to improve and so we will make no more visits in connection with this inspection.”