Dundee City Council is closing all of its public toilets and the Brown Street Kennels in its latest response to the coronavirus pandemic.
The council has decided to take the following measures after advice from government and NHS public health experts:
As of today (Friday March 20):
- All council-operated public toilets are closed;
- Brown Street Kennels is closed;
- All cemetery waiting rooms are closed;
- Services at four Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership day centres will be limited;
- All Dundee schools and nurseries close for normal business at the end of the school day;
- For children and young people in certain categories from Monday (March 23), for the last week of term, special arrangements will be in place in all schools and nurseries;
- Only emergency or urgent repairs to council houses will now be made;
- Closure of communal areas in sheltered housing complexes;
- Changes to the way people with coronavirus symptoms deal with their personal waste such as used tissues;
- Registrars at 20 City Square operating by appointment only, Tel (01382) 435222;
- 5 City Square closed to the public;
- Blether and Shopper bus services will not operate;
- All council committee meetings suspended.
This will see the closure of council-run public toilets at Balgay Park, Bank Street, Barnhill, Baxter Park, Birkhill,Caird Park, Camperdown House, Camperdown Play park, Castle Green, Clatto Country Par, Dawson Park, Dudhope Park, Dundee Law, Eastern Cemetery, Fairmuir Park, Hilltown, Lochee Park, Pitkerro Grove Cemetery, Queen Street Car park, Riverside Nature Park, Stobsmuir Park, Templeton Wood, The Esplanade and Windmill cark park.
Services at the Oakland Centre, MacKinnon Centre, Wellgate Centre and the Whitetop Centre will be scaled back and people who are in greatest need and better served by family enhanced support will be identified.
Special arrangements will be introduced for vulnerable children and young people, who are being identified by the council, and their families are being contacted directly to discuss arrangements.
The council is offering places for children aged two to those up to the end of S3 whose parents are key workers and who cannot make appropriate alternative childcare arrangements. Details can be found here.
Secondary schools are contacting families of senior phase (S4-S6) pupils with SQA work to complete with details of school attendance and arrangements. Details can be found here.
The council’s latest update adds: “Only emergency (to prevent someone being injured, to prevent further damage or for security) and urgent (which can cause damage if left unattended and can be inconvenient and frustrating) repairs will be made to council houses.
“Anyone who contacts the council with an emergency or urgent repair request will be asked questions based on NHS advice which will allow us to respond appropriately.
“Sheltered housing residents will continue to be supported via the intercom system and telephone, while in emergency situations staff will attend face to face visits as required taking safety precautions in line with national guidance.
“We have identified particularly vulnerable tenants and will be engaging with them regularly to identify any ongoing support needs.
“People with Covid-19 symptoms who are self-isolating should store personal waste like used tissues and disposable cleaning cloths securely in disposable bags. When appropriate, these bags should be removed and placed into another bag and securely tied or sealed and kept separate from other wastes.
“This must be stored for at least 72 hours before being put in the usual domestic or household waste bin. Other household waste can be disposed of as normal.”