YouTube sensation Korean Billy has researched some of the UK’s most unique dialects – from Doric to Scouse and Glaswegian.
And now the video blogger has turned his attention to Dundonian as he tackles some of the city’s most unusual words from peh to ingin.
Korean Billy
Phrases including “eh’ll hae a peh” and “drehve doon tae the circle” feature in his two and a half minute clip.
He also discusses the use of the word “eh” in Dundee, saying “this word seems to mean nothing, but in Dundonian ‘eh’ means ‘I'”.
Posting to Facebook Korean Billy said: “Hi guys, Eh’m back! Today, we’re going to Scotland. The Dundee dialect is one of the most popular dialects in eastern Scotland, and it’s also called Dundonian.
“The Dundee dialect sounds like a foreign language, so let’s take a look at some Dundee dialect, or Dundonian words in Scotland.”
Korean Billy, who has nearly 72,000 subscribers to his YouTube channel, hails from Seoul and became fascinated with UK dialects after a stay in Preston as an exchange student.
He teaches viewers across the globe about Britain’s local tongues.