People in the East Neuk of Fife are being asked to use less water during the summer months as demand has increased by 40%.
Residents and visitors in Anstruther, Pittenweem, Crail and Elie are being asked to consider how much water they are using.
It comes as the region has been enjoying a heatwave – with the hottest day of the year recorded on Friday.
What does Scottish Water suggest to reduce water usage?
- Taking shorter showers
- Turning off taps when brushing teeth
- Only using washing machines and dishwashers when fully loaded
- Using a watering can instead of a garden hose
People in the East Neuk are using one million more litres of water per day, compared to normal usage levels this time of year.
Scottish Water says it is working hard to maintain normal water supplies and is tankering water in to the network in these areas.
A spokesperson for the utilities firm said: “We are doing everything we can to maintain normal water supplies to these communities but we are asking all of our customers there to help us by being more water efficient.
“If residents and visitors or holidaymakers can take some small, simple steps to reduce their water use, they can make big contribution towards our efforts to maintain normal supplies for everyone.”