Fife Rabbits could be to blame for Kirkcaldy cemetery vandalism By Aileen Robertson October 17 2016, 8:01pm October 17 2016, 8:01pm Share Rabbits could be to blame for Kirkcaldy cemetery vandalism Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link Copy Link Hayfield Cemetery in Kirkcaldy Local wildlife may be to blame for a trail of destruction at a Kirkcaldy graveyard. One bereaved local mother described damage to her baby’s grave at Hayfield Cemetery as disgusting. Other upset relatives have reported incidents of flowers being cut, vases upturned and ornaments stolen or disturbed. Police Scotland confirmed it was investigating the matter. But so far the most likely suspects are deer and rabbits according to Fife Council’s bereavement services. For more on this story, see Tuesday’s Fife edition of Courier.