Plans that could result in the demolition of a Glenrothes shopping centre have won approval from local residents.
The organisers of the Golden Glenrothes charrette say residents of Glenwood, Macedonia and Tanshall have favoured plans that would demolish the current Glenwood Shopping Centre as part of a regeneration project for the area.
Small-scale plans to refurbish the exterior of the site, along with more ambitious proposals to redesign the wider area, were dropped in favour of a “mid level” option at a public meeting last week.
The plans would see the demolition of the current retail units and block of flats, while the local library would be extended and new community buildings and public spaces constructed.
The group running the Golden Glenrothes process, Planning Aid Scotland, said that costing the redevelopment plans would now take place.
“Differing views were expressed in response to the three options put forward for the Glenwood Centre as a whole, yet it appeared the mid-level option is preferred.
“It was agreed that redevelopment options should only be made once they have been costed – which will take place over the next few months.
“We’ll work on the feasibility of options for the Glenwood Centre redevelopment and come back in the autumn for a more informed discussion about the way forward.”
The ambitious plans were unveiled following a charrette in the area earlier this year.
After receiving input from members of the public, the three options were presented to the community at a meeting last week.
While there is no guarantee that any developments from the Golden Glenrothes initiative will be adopted, the process is backed by Fife Council, though finances will ultimately determine what aspects of the plan are adopted.
Local councillor Julie Ford said: “From this engagement evening, and from the previous ones I also attended, it is very clear that people want to see the retention of the library and the demolition of the flats.
“This is something we need to listen to and take very seriously if we want to make this work in the long term.”