Public petitions for and against a controversial Kirkcaldy lap dancing club have garnered hundreds of signatures before its opening on Friday.
One petition against ‘Sin’ strip club was set up by Common Weal Fife urging local MSP David Torrance to rethink his stance on the venture after he said he was “neither for nor against it”.
It has gained around 300 names, although a counter petition backing the club’s creation had recorded closer to 400 signatures.
The latest addition to the Lang Toun’s nighttime economy is due to open its doors on Friday, and Ellen Fox, Common Weal spokesperson, explained the reasoning behind their position.
She said: “For us, as a group, this is not just about the local impact a club like this will have, but is about how this issue ties in and contributes to the mainstream tolerance of misogyny and sexism today.
“Strip clubs are symptomatic of the uneven balance of power in society. As a group, we oppose all forms of exploitation, whether it be gender-based or otherwise.”
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As well as the petition, Common Weal Fife says it will continue to campaign on the issue and actively supports the Scottish Government’s Violence Against Women and Girls policy.
Common Weal organiser Grant Buttars added: “We hope David Torrance will support our position, which is wholly in line with SNP policy.”
Mr Torrance, who is SNP MSP for Kirkcaldy, said he did not wish to comment further on the matter and reinforced his neutral standpoint.
However, there have been a number of people backing local businessman Mario Caira’s project after his assertion it would be run “properly” and would bring around 20 new jobs to the town.
Deborah Mellon, who launched the petition supporting the venture, said: “Sin is not forcing people to work there, or indeed attend their premises.
“The owners are well established in Kirkcaldy and known to the council licensing board.
“If it fails as a venture it should be due to lack of interest and not off the back of “naysayers” who have never set foot in a strip club in their life.”