Substantial work is required on two of Perth’s road bridges, a report has stated.
Perth and Kinross Council has confirmed work will be needed on both Perth Bridge and Queen’s Bridge over the next few years.
And the local authority has also said various measures will be introduced in a bid to prevent cars mounting pavements on both structures.
This will involve bollards being placed on the footpaths of the bridges in order to “deter vehicles mounting on to the walkways.”
The council report highlights the need for an increase in future capital and revenue investment required to address the situation. The document revealed bridges, culverts and retaining walls across Perth and Kinross continue to decline “year on year.”
The report states: “Every bridge has its own lifespan. Most modern bridges or new bridges are set to last around 120 years from when they are built.
“There will be substantial work on both bridges for the coming years and there will be updates on that.”
The report continues: “An increase in future capital and revenue investment would be required to address the decline in the council’s roads structures.
“Perth and Kinross Council continues to work with Dundee City and Angus councils to build on existing partnerships, and develop our collaborative approach to the management and maintenance of the local roads network.”
The council approved an additional £6 million of investment in the road network and structures over three years in 2016, when setting the 2016/17 revenue budget. And a budget motion to provide a further £20 million over the next 10 years was approved in June this year.
The statistics detailing the necessary bridge work were contained in the roads asset annual status report for the period 2017/18. Members of Perth and Kinross Council’s environment and infrastructure committee approved the report at a recent meeting.