A Perthshire Foodbank has been forced to suspend service users collecting food parcels in person in response.
From Monday, Crieff foodbank users cannot collect parcels.
Tina McRorie, who works at the foodbank said: “Those in need of our help will need to ring, private message or email and we will deliver the food to them.
“It’s disappointing as I like people to choose their own food but the main thing is ensuring everybody in need gets access to food.”
Ms McRorie added the outbreak has led to the foodbank having busier spells.
She said: “We are steadily getting busier as more and more coverage is made on the virus.
“We expect a big influx of food bank users over the coming weeks. I am blown away at the generosity of the public with their donations.
“It’s so good to see the whole community rally together to ensure the people in need of help from the foodbank don’t go hungry.”
Perth Foodbank has experienced similar concerns, with fewer volunteers able to keep it running because most volunteers are over the age of 70 or have underlying health conditions.
It has reduced its opening hours and is issuing food parcels at the front door but has seen continuing generosity from the public.
Secretary to the management committee, Marjorie Clark said: “People have still been very generous. The box at the Tesco on Edinburgh Road was full [on Monday] night and [yesterday] morning.”