A remembrance event will be held in Perth at the weekend for anyone affected by baby loss.
Two “Saying Goodbye” services will take place at St Ninian’s Cathedral on Sunday, organised by Zoe and Andrew Clark-Coates from Devon, who have suffered the loss of five babies.
They felt there was a significant lack of support available to parents like them, so they set up The Mariposa Trust in 2012 and have since held Saying Goodbye services in six different countries.
Andrew said: “The Mariposa Trust was set up by Zoe and myself in 2012 following going through the loss of five babies ourselves, and realising that the support for people experiencing baby loss was shockingly poor.
“We set up the charity, and today it provides support accessed by over 50,000 people each week globally.”
The services are open to anyone who have lost a baby and welcome parents as well as extended family members and friends.
They allow for people of any or no faith to come together to remember the babies they have lost, whether that was during pregnancy, at birth, in infancy, or for those grieving never having had children.
Zoe said: “We invite anyone who has gone through or been affected by baby loss to join us for this special event.
“Come and join with others who have been through a similar experience in remembering all those who have gone too soon because every baby matters.”
Three other Scottish services will be held this month, with one in Inverness and two in Edinburgh.
The first of the two Perth services will begin at 3pm with the second to go ahead at 3.45pm.
Due to social distancing restrictions, attendees are asked to pre-book a place through the Saying Goodbye website.