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Perth schoolboy “critical” after taking ecstasy


A Perth schoolboy is fighting for his life in hospital after taking a rogue ecstasy pill.

The 15-year-old collapsedĀ in a field near Goodlyburn Primary School while out with friends.


Police closed off the field and searched the area, which is a local hotspot for teenagers.

One neighbour said: “The poor boy was lying in the field, wailing. The noise he was making was horrible.

“It looked like his pals were standing around him when the police showed up.”

Another resident said the boy had been separated from his friendsĀ and was found, doubled up in pain, by a woman walking herĀ dog. She phoned forĀ an ambulance.

It is understood thatĀ one of the boy’s relatives had also phoned police when the youngster had failed to come home.

All four boys were initially taken to Perth Royal Infirmary. The 15-year-old was transferred to Ninewells whenĀ he failed to respond to treatment.

DoctorsĀ described his condition as “critical but stable”.

On Sunday night police said they had charged a 17-year-old man with drug offences in connection with the incident. He is expected to appear in Perth Sheriff Court on Monday.

Police in Perth issued a drugs warning on Saturday.

Tayside chief inspector Gary Ogilvie said: “We were alerted to the incident at around 10pm on Friday after the boy became unwell.

“Three of his friends also received medical treatment atĀ Perth Royal Infirmary, however have since been discharged.

“One line of inquiry is that all four boys had possibly consumed a type of ecstasy tablet.”

Mr Ogilvie said: “Officers are currently investigating the circumstances of this incident, but in the meantime I would urge the public – especially those planning on going out socialising tonight – to be aware of thisĀ incident and think twice about taking any unknown substance.

“There is always a risk when taking substances and the only way of staying safe is to avoid drugs altogether.”

He has urged anyone with information about the incident to contact Police Scotland on 101 or freephone charity Crimestoppers in confidence on 0800 555 111.