Perth’s vaccine centre is moving to a new home in the former Lakeland shop.
Vaccinations for Covid-19 and the flu are currently administered in St John’s Shopping Centre.
Appointments will continue there until September 4, with the new facility opening on September 5.
The Lakeland unit on St John Street has been empty since 2021.
Details of winter vaccine programme revealed
NHS Tayside says the first two weeks of its winter vaccine programme will focus on care homes, home visits and appointments for health and social care staff, before vaccinations begin for the first priority group in the general public.
Letters have been issued to those over 80 with appointments beginning on September 19.
The remainder of people in at-risk groups will be invited over the coming weeks, including over 65-year-olds, those with certain health conditions, unpaid carers and immunosuppressed households.
Invitations will then be sent to people who are over 50.
It comes as plans have been approved to transform the former Lakeland building into flats and a restaurant.
The proposals were lodged with Perth and Kinross Council earlier this year.
No timescales for the work have been confirmed.